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Aluminum alloy sacrificial anode

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Jiaozuo Libo Light Alloy Co., Ltd.







Address:Wuzhi County, Jiaozuo City, China

Company News

Magnesium alloy casting

  • Author:Libo
  • Source:wamericanfreedomlawncare.com
  • Date:2021-06-11
  • Click:0

In 2000, the Ministry of Science and Technology initiated the preliminary strategic study of "development, Application and industrialization of magnesium alloy". Now, this project has been listed as a major scientific and technological project during the tenth five-year Plan period of China. In the national "863" program also laid out the research content of new magnesium alloy materials and new technology; The State Planning Commission also listed magnesium alloy industrialization as this year's high-tech industrialization demonstration project; Military organizations such as Sabre also began to launch a corresponding research and development plan. For this reason, the aviation industry has taken various measures to increase the use of magnesium alloys. The advantages of hot chamber die casting machine are simple production process and high efficiency; Less metal consumption, the process is not messy; The magnesium liquid pressed into the cavity is clean and the casting quality is good. Magnesium hydraulic human cavity has good mobility and is suitable for pressing thin-walled parts.

During the ninth Five-year Plan period, the Ministry of Science and Technology has carried out the research on the application of magnesium alloy materials in cars, the development of flame retardant magnesium alloy, and the development of high quality sacrific magnesium anode. The characteristics of cold chamber die casting machine are: high injection pressure, fast injection speed, so it can produce thin wall parts, can also be thick wall parts, wide range of adaptation; The die-casting machine can be large, and the alloy type is easy to change, and can also be used with aluminum alloy; The consumables of die casting machines are cheaper than those of hot chamber die casting machines. Taking Magnesium alloy die castings as an example, according to estimates from the International Magnesium Association and HydroMagnesium, worldwide Magnesium application in Magnesium alloy die castings reached 24000t in 1991. However, the forging and mechanical functions of AS magnesium alloy are damaged due to the formation of thick Chinese character shaped Mg2Si phase during solidification.








